People never seem to pour the correct amount of their favoirte beverege, and spill often. That's why we built a device called the "Cloud Connected Pop Dispenser" that pours it for you. Our project uses a solenoid valve, a device that opens and closes when it is given a certain voltage, that lets liquid flow through the source into a cup. But it only pours when there is a cup underneath it. We acheived this by using a light sensor. If too much light reaches the sensor it lets the photon know not to activate the solenoid valve. We also implemented an RGB LED that acts as a status light. Blue when waiting, red when pouring, and green when done pouring and ready to drink. To activate the valve, we created an HTML website that let the user select how much liquid they wanted in their cup. One big issue that we had was that the solenoid valve is a 12v solenoid valve, but the photon can only give 5v. So we had to use a 5VDC relay and a 12V external power supply. It took a lot of trial and error, but we finally got it working in the end.
Parts and Demonstration
Video explaining the parts and demonstrating it working. (Click the pop out button in the top right if it doesn't want to load)