Owning a hot tub can be fun, however there is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into owning and maintaining a hot tub that can be burdensome. How might we use the power of the IoT devices to minimize the amount of work a hot tub owner must do to maintain their hot tub? One major point of stress in hot tub ownership is keeping track of the hot tub’s temperature. Knowing the temperature is crucial for practical hot tub management. This device is able to check the temperature of the hot tub without any of the work. It uses IFTTT, creating a google spreadsheet that tracks the temperature over time. This allows for the user to not go outside in the frigid Minnesotan winters to check the temperature. Instead, the user can simply check the temperature and mode of the hot tub from the comfort of their pajamas!
The modes of my program explained
This is a quick presentation of my device!
Video demonstration of my project
Wiring example
The wiring used for my decive. I had to use a few resistors, but otherwise it is a simple device.