Super Secret Very Dangerous Super Spy Message Maker-inator
Peter Tran and John Franklin
The super secret spy agency known as (REDACTED) has been in need
of software that allows them to send secret messages. We have devised a product called
(REDACTED) that can secretly send messages using a light that blinks in morse code.
Super Secret Don't tell mom
Spy agencies around the world have all been plagued with the same conundrum; which is how they are supposed to send their super secret messages without them getting caught by their adversaries. It is this problem that our newly developed message sender will solve. Using proprietary technology, our software is able to encrypt our user’s messages into a never before used cypher called MORSE (Major Operational Radio Secret Encryption). Our extensive testing has
led us to conclude that our encoding system is so complex,
that not even the most advanced AI can crack it.
Our code involves a series of long and short signals that can be transmitted from one spy’s device to another’s.
Those long and short signals are then translated using MORSE into standard English that the receiver can read and is
sent via an incredibly secure channel known as GMAIL (Gigantic Meta Algorithm Including Latency).